If loving fashion is a crime, I plead guilty. Welcome to my closet.

If loving fashion is a crime, I plead guilty. Welcome to my closet.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We Can All Dream Can't We?

Yesterday, my mom and I made a short routine visit to Anthropologie and did our usual look at all of the new stuff in envy and then head back to the sale room. The sales back there are incredible. Its like finding the closet door in Chronicles of Narnia. You don't want to let the secret out, but it's so amazing you just can't keep it in.
My mom taught me a new bargain hunting technique. She definietly has the experience. If Anthropologie had rewards points I think she would have racked up several vacays to Fiji. I think I can see the tread of her super stylish Mephistos (not worn with my approval) scuffed on the rugged hard wood floor of the sale room from countless visits made. She says that if you can find a lone piece by itself it will be the item with the greatest price-cut. Anthro is a bit pricey and has sale items that when you look at the sale price wonder in what world would that price be discount. But when you find that neon orange blouse all by itself that looks like it would only be decent to wear in the 70's give it a second chance. Throw it on and see what you think. I have never found something I didn't like at Anthropologie. It may just be the designer top 90% off that everyone at the party thinks you impressively bought full price.

I ALWAYS find something I MUST HAVE. But surprisingly this time I used my best judgment and sadly walked out without a thick white paper bag adorned with a fabric handle. I put in my two weeks notice at the Crab Shacker and was left with only four dollars in my wallet and a handy pay card that at first I hated, but now I love. Everytime I use it I get an adrenaline rush. There maybe money from my paycheck on it and I'll have hit the lotto!! Or I will receive the embarrassing rejection like a date that I thought went fantastic with sparks shooting off in the air and was followed by no call, no e-mail, no text, no facebook message, no skype, no letter, no nothin', but a so sorry you have been DECLINED! Oops let's try this one then....

So on my final look through Anthro I spotted this work of art. It was love at first sight. Time froze as we made our first eye contact gazing into each others souls.
When I picked it up my hands trembled. Could this really be the one? It was meant for me. I slipped it over my goosebumped arms and felt the silk lining rub softly against my skin. It fit like a glove. I looked in the mirror and shrieked with joy. My mom looked over and had a grin so big I thought her lips might just tear.
I looked at the price tag crossing my fingers the entire time and knew that this love couldn't last. Maybe one day we would meet again years later like The Notebook and rekindle our love when my paycheck has doubled. I hung it back on the hanger and placed it in between its other peach friends and moped away. I knew that jacket was meant for me and would be so much happier in my closet.
Who knows maybe I will find it six months later returned with a button missing in the little back sale room. The lone ranger 90% off yearning to be loved.

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